It was late afternoon before things were all good to go. I didn't make it to town to pick them up
until 5:30. As I walked into the store, there they were in a small galvanized trough waiting for me, "SOLD" sign prominantly displayed. There was a little boy there, maybe three or four, with his mom admiring them, but not touching due to the "Do not touch" signs everywhere. I told them that they were mine, so he could pet one. I picked one up and held it out to him. He was a slightly timid about the idea, but with encouragement from Mom, reached out and gave the fuzz ball a pat. I was surprized at the temperment of this little gaggle. The first ones that we bought four years ago would scream and run away if you reached your hand into the box. These just stood there looking at me...and the one that I reached for, calmly accepted me picking him up. He made gentle gosling peeps as I held him out to the boy...not at all afraid. My first thought was, "Oh dear, if these stay this sweet, how are we ever going to bring ourselves to do the 'dirty deed' when the time comes?"

Here is their home for now. Same as with the chicks, we used a factory-second spreader hopper, overturned onto some cinder blocks. This will be their shelter from the elements and from the older geese, if need be. I am not too worried about it though. From what I have read recently, the geese will make great foster parents for them.
'Geese Grow on Grass' --Mother Earth News, 1970
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