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Getting Started
As Spring has now sprung, I am sure that the nearest up and coming posts will weigh heavy on the side of gardening and all things that sing of rebirth... If I can find the time. (smile) Since it is still a little too early to actually enjoy the garden, I've included a pic of the Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes) that graced my butterfly garden with his presence last summer. This was the first time he visited us and we have the Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) purchased at the EIU Botany Club's plant sale in the spring to thank for it.
I am anxiously awaiting the day I can add new species of native forbs to the Butterfly garden this spring and the enjoyment of the Giant Swallowtails' only slightly less magnificent relatives that are sure to follow... Stay tuned!
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