Thursday, July 29, 2010


Checked the BB box the other day and the babies seem to have fledged at some point.  I have not monitored them closely...too busy.  There were three of them and all seemed healthy last time I checked.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Still No Success

Well, yesterday I removed the last two remaining eggs from Mo, the goose's nest.  One by one the eggs went bad...some of them breaking in the nest and stinking to high heaven, Poor thing.  Her due date would have been between July 2 and 4th.  I let her set on the last two for another week-- just in case.   I felt pretty safe in removing those last two that there was not going to be any goslings...again.  She has been getting off the nest a lot more lately, so I think she just knew... but also felt kind of obligated to set on them since they were there, I guess.  So when I checked on her later, I could see that she had scattered the straw everywhere looking for her eggs...but didn't really seem bothered, but in fact relieved, that it was over.

On a happier note, Bluebird nest box number 3 has three bluebird hatchlings again.  I had not checked on it in awhile, so not sure when they hatched.  They have been there for a few days anyhow.  Box number two still has HOSPs building nests in there.  I keep removing it and they keep rebuilding.  No eggs yet, though.  Box number one needs to be moved back to its usual post.  I had moved it next to the back door when I had a pair of tree swallows trying to build a nest on top of the porch light.  I was hoping they'd see the box and take a hint...