Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pullet's First Eggs

Yesterday I found our first brown egg from one of the new pullets! It must have been from one of the sex links because the Americaunas will lay blue or green and the Leghorns lay white eggs, I believe...need to double check on that. Today there were several eggs and I have one of the old hen's eggs with them in the photo for comparison.
I was not really expecting any eggs this soon...I thought maybe another month to wait, but they surprized us! We brought home the baby chicks on the 20th of March. They may have been as much as a week old--not really sure. That would make them between 19 and 20 weeks old...so I guess that is about right. The eggs are a little larger than the first eggs of our pullets four years ago. The shells are nice and hard, especially the Americauna's. This may or may not be due to the extra electrolytes and vitamins and also apple cider vinegar that I have been adding to the water. I did not do this for the older hens a few years ago. All of these eggs have yolks also.
For breakfast I made zucchini fritters with zucchini from the garden and these yummy little chicky eggs! Thanks, Girls!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Last Nestlings

Well, this will be it for the year, I think. There are four baby birds in nestbox #2.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Last birdies of the season...I think

I haven't been keeping up with my bluebird reports. Before I forget, I should note that the four bluebird babies in box #1 fledged sometime ago. Just the other day, I found that the bluebirds in box #2 had hatched. This is the same box where I found the dead tree swallow babies.

I also have two boxes near the house for the Jenny Wrens. Both have nestlings in them, but I don't track these. One box is in the kitchen garden right out the back door. It is over my raspberry patch where the Wren parents enjoy the raspberries and Japanese beetles, too, I'm sure. My chickens sure do. I have caught them in the act of jumping up and grabbing raspberries straight off the cane. They really love 'em! Our one little Rhode Island Red Hen (Rhoda) who is so tame, will stand on my hand and eat raspberries and japanese beetles as I pull them off the canes for her with the other hand.