Today, however; as she/he was getting a good brushing of her gorgeous fluffiness, I noticed what appeared to be fluffy little testies under his/her tail! It wasn't so obvious...somewhat UNDERSIZED in my opinion in relation to his/her overall size, but there nonetheless.
Oh Well, almost five months old and your whole identity changes. So now the question of a new name, since 'Cassie' is wholey inappropriate for a tomcat, I do believe! My first thought was to change it to something that sounds similar since she/he is already used to it. Cassius was rejected by DH, as were several others that crossed my mind. So something new altogether.
I think I will honor our little gender bender kitty with the name of Eddie Izzard...Izzie. Izzie a boy or Izzie a girl?
Here is a picture of our pretty little boy taken back in October.