They're here! This is my first year putting up the bluebird boxes. I had never actually seen a bluebird here on the property before, but I put up three boxes in good faith. The one pictured here is actually the first one to go up. The other two did not go up until later as I was not sure about where to locate them. It didn't take long for the bluebirds to find the box. I guess good real estate is high in demand!

Here's a little closer look at the eggs:

Sweet little babies...
they really don't mind being looked at all that much.

I never did get a photo of the bluebird parents at box number 3, but this male was very nice to pose for me at box #2.

Box #1 had a family of tree swallows move in which was fine with me. Notice how the tree swallows line their nests with many feathers. Most of the feathers here are from my African Geese. Not sure about the one feather in the upper left...maybe pheasant?

Loren Hughes' Sparrow Spooker story in the Paris Beacon News(added February 21,2009)